May 16, 2023

Cooking Circles

Cooking Circles is a network of people across the ACT community, who come together to cook and eat together regularly. Since it began in 2014, Cooking Circles has been a place for people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to build connections and form friendships.

Cooking is run by alternate people in the network, with people choosing to either cook or just joining to eat. The network is kindly based at the Canberra Baptist Church and Currie Crescent Community Centre, and is largely self-run. Cooking Circles meets twice a month at Currie Crescent Community Centre at The Canberra Baptist Church in Kingston.

Cooking Circles@Currie Crescent Community Centre

Cooking Circles meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month in the school term.

Each session is led by a ‘lead cook’. The Lead chooses recipes, shops and then does the cooking with a few others who choose to help that week. Costs are covered by all who attend.

Everyone is involved in the session in some way, whether it is leading, cooking, setting up or packing up.

Attendees bring $7 to cover costs, and RSVP is essential for catering purposes.

Our group welcomes all people, from all backgrounds, faiths, abilities, and ages. Please get in touch with our coordinators if you have any questions or would like to discuss anything.

Katrin and Kerstin, two lovely volunteers, coordinate and plan these sessions.

We’re always open to volunteers to lead cooking and to help out in other ways. If you are interested, please contact the Centre’s Office Manager: or (02) 6295 9470 (9am-2pm Tue and Fri).

Food safety

We require masks when in the kitchen doing food prep, cooking, washing up, and as you wish in the other areas of the hall.

Please bring your own water bottle, and if you wish, own coffee or tea cup.